Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Finalist Countdown

Whoa! Last week, the oddworms revealed to me that I am two steps closer to my dream of becoming a video game star. First of all, Face-Plant Adventures has finally passed peer review and is going to be released in September on the Xbox LIVE Indie Game channel for the ridiculous price of 80 Microsoft Points. I really wonder how they're going to be able to pay my exorbitant salary if they sell the game at such a low price?

After all, I'm also starring in the new trailer you can watch above, announcing the upcoming release and celebrating a little success: As an entry in this year's Dream Build Play Challenge, Face-Plant Adventures has been chosen to be among the top 20 finalists of the contest! Yay! About 200 Xbox Indie Games have been submitted to the challenge including some of the finest titles available or soon to be published on the channel, so having been selected for the chosen few finalist feels like an achievement. Celebrate with us, enjoy the trailer and watch this space so you don't miss the final release date!

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